January 12, 2016

How to make your electricchimney filter sparkle as new? / How to clean Chimney Filter?

     Cleaning the Chimney filter is a important periodic task to be done.  As it is very difficult to clean at home, Sometimes we might to hire some external helpers to do it. But there is a simple method which can simplify the cleaning and also make the chimney sparkle as though it is new. I got this tip from here.

Thing needed to clean:
1. Caustic Soda – 6 tbsp (available in all hardware shops)
2. One metal or plastic tray – 1 ( the size should be such that the filter can go inside)
3. Boiling Water – as required (to fill the tray)

1. Remove the chimney filter from the chimney and keep it inside the tray.

2. Sprinkle the caustic soda on the filter. You should not touch the caustic soda, so use the spoon to take it.

3. Heat the water till it starts to give bubbles. ( till 100 degree Celsius)

4. Now pour this boiling water on the filter inside the tray. Immediately fumes will come out, so leave that place immediately. You should not inhale that fume.

5. Leave this for minimum half an hour. Miracles happened within this half an hour. Yes, all the oiliness and greasiness  are gone even without you brush them. Leave it aside for 1-2 hours also depending upon the oiliness.

6. Then take it out from the tray and wash the filters using the normal water. Allow it to dry completely and then fix this super doper clean filter with chimney.

1. Caustic Soda is hazardous chemical and should not be exposed to children. So do this when the kids are not nearby.
2. The Fumes are poisonous so even adults should not inhale it.
3.  You can either clean both the trays together or one by one.



Read ur posts ... They are really helpful . KEEP UP UR GUD WORK .

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