November 18, 2016

Apple Cookies without Oven and Fire


     This is a quick party snack which can be prepared without fire, and can be made by kids themselves. As the snack looks like cookies, kids will be surprised with the juiciness of the apple inside which they will not expect. The surprise effect is the specialty of this recipe.

Recipe Cuisine : International | Recipe Category: Cookie | Recipe Source: rachelschultz
Preparation Time: 5 mins  | Cooking Time: Nil  | Yields: 6-7 slices 

3 tbsp
Sugar Sprinkles
1 tsp
Grated Chocolate
½ tsp
Grated Almond
1 tsp

Click here for homemade Peanut Butter recipe.

1. Wash and cut the apples into ¼ inch circle like slices.
2. Remove the center portion of the apple using the knife without damaging the apple outsides.
3. Apply the peanut butter over the apple slices .
4. Then sprinkle the grated chocolates and sugar sprinkles.
5. Finally garnish with grated almonds.

1. What Toppings you want is your choice. You can use chocolate chips instead of grated chocolates.
2. You can also use cashew nuts instead of almonds.


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