September 7, 2015

Barnyard Millet / Kuthiraivali Paal Kozhukattai with Jaggery

     Traditional paal kozhukattai is made with rice flour only. But I have tried with Barnyard Millet, it came out well. I could not feel any difference between the traditional one and this.
      Also I have not used either coconut milk or cow milk for thickness, but used just flour itself for thickness. This is my grandma special recipe.

Recipe Cuisine : South Indian | Recipe Category: Dessert | Serves: 2-3
              Preparation Time:  10 mins  | Cooking Time: 25 mins | Soaking Time : 2 hrs

Barnyard Millet / Kuthiraivali
½ cup
Jaggery Syrup (click here for the recipe)
¼  cup
A pinch

1. Soak the Barnyard Millet rice for minimum two hours.
2. Drain the water completely and grind it with salt, into a fine paste. If you need more water just add little water and grind.
3. We cannot grind it into very thick paste like chapathi dough. So spread the paste on the kitchen cloth and remove the excess water from it. Now the mixture becomes thick like kozhukattai dough.
4. Now make small balls like naphthalene balls from the above dough. Keep it aside.
5. Heat 2 cups of water in a pan, and bring it into boil. Then add the small balls into the boiling water and keep the flame at simmer. Retain 2 balls with you.
6. Cook for 10 – 12 mins or till the balls turns glassy.
7. Then add the jaggery syrup and cardamom powder. Mix them gently and cook for 5 mins.
9. Then dissolve the 2 uncooked balls in ½ cup of water. Mix them well and pour this mixture into the jaggery-balls mixture.
10. Stir them gently and cook for 2 more mins or until the syrup becomes thick (like porridge consistency).
11. Switch off the flame and allow it to cool down completely.
      Serve it either hot or warm. Healthy and yummy millet paal kozhukattai is ready.
1. You can use any millet rice instead of Barnyard Millet.

2. Replace jaggery with sugar also.


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